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Alleviating and preventing physical health problems is important. Without treatment, misaligned teeth can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bone loss, chewing difficulty, or speech impairment.

How we can help: Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is the most common form of orthodontic treatment patients receive to correct problems. In most cases, braces are added to the upper and lower teeth to correct orthodontic problems involving alignment of teeth, proper jaw function and how the upper and lower jaw fit together. The goal of comprehensive treatment is to correct each problem and achieve the best bite and aesthetics possible for each patient. Treatment consists of the placement of the bands and wires, adjustments and follow-ups, removal of the braces, construction of the retainer and any follow-up treatment needed to maintain the desired results.

The length of the treatment typically depends on the severity of the problem to be corrected. Full treatment in correcting a protruding bite can take between 18 to 24 months. If the back teeth are aligned properly and the front teeth have minor crowding, treatment may only take between 9 to 18 months.

Dental braces start with a comprehensive dental examination. Teeth that have tooth decay should be more difficult and areas of preexisting decay can proceed more rapidly. The diagnostic process includes a special x-ray of the head called a cephalometric x-ray, which can be conveniently done at our office. This x-ray is then processed by a program which gives us crucial information about the direction of bone growth, the relation of the upper jaw to the lower, the relationship of the upper teeth to the lower teeth and any missing, extra, or wisdom teeth. This is crucial information to assist in making a diagnosis and plan to improve the bite and create a suave smile.


In today’s fast-paced society, time is precious and fast results are an expectation. Adult teeth can move more slowly than those of teenagers, so ordinarily, treatment times are longer.

How we can help: Simply put, 6-month braces (short term orthodontics) are used to improve the appearance of upper front teeth or lower front teeth in a very short period of time – usually about six months. It is limited orthodontics, not comprehensive orthodontics. The objective is to move only the front six to eight teeth only and not change the bite overall. Because the objective is limited, the time span to achieve a more aesthetic smile is very short. Traditional metal orthodontic braces are normally placed for the 6-month braces. However, if preferred, we can use ceramic or white brackets instead of the metal ones.

If you want to schedule a consultation, please do not hesitate to call us and make an appointment.