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Children’s Dentistry

Our goal at Suave Dental is to help your children develop consistent dental habits that will ensure they maintain excellent dental health over their lifetime.

It is our experience that children introduced to regular dental checkups as early as three years old are more likely to maintain good dental health practices into their teenage and adult years. In addition, such an early introduction can reduce phobias and fears associated with going to the dentist. Because our patients have no such aversion to going to the dentist, they rarely need to be restrained.

From a health standpoint, early diagnosis of potential tooth problems could prevent issues from ever developing. Over time, a child’s consistent record of dental health and development will enable us to make informed and proactive decisions.

It is important to have your child checked frequently by a dentist to make sure there are no problems that could result in your child having to go through traumatizing and painful dentistry in the future.

Here at Suave Dental, we use the latest technology to make sure your children like going to the dentist. By providing a fun environment where children feel safe, we ensure healthy habits in the future.